Jungle the Bungle wins Dutch Game Awards!

Innovative language platform Jungle the Bungle playfully teaches children aged 2-8 a new language, such as English, Spanish or Dutch. The platform launched the gaming app in the spring of 2024, and with success! The professional jury of the Dutch Game Award was unanimous and laudatory about the Jungle the Bungle languages app: ?The great variety, the appearance, the [...]

'My work consists of teaching the Dutch language to non-native speakers.'

Explain as simply as possible what your work entails? As an NT2 (Dutch as a Second Language) teacher, my work consists of teaching the Dutch language to non-native speakers. Here are some key aspects of my work: What do you like most about your work? Do you think speaking multiple languages is important? And if so, why? [...]

Are your kids up for a challenge? Teach them a new language!

What to do with toddlers who are already hugely ready for that new phase? They are not yet 4, so for school they (and you) have to be patient for a while. I would already start with some extra challenge at home. This can be done, for example, with the language app from Jungle the Bungle. - Carolina Bongers The language mature phase [...]

Languages app available for schools

Due to high demand from the education sector, the Jungle the Bungle language app will also be available for schools, childcare centres and BSOs from September 2024. More information? Go to https://www.junglethebungle.com/nl/scholen