Tips, tricks and more!


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'My work consists of teaching the Dutch language to non-native speakers.'

Explain as simply as possible what your work entails? As an NT2 (Dutch as a Second Language) teacher, my work consists of teaching the Dutch language to

'My husband and I speak English together. He also speaks English with the children. The children and I speak Dutch together.'

Are your kids up for a challenge? Teach them a new language!

What to do with toddlers who are already hugely ready for that new phase? They are not yet 4, so for school they (and you) still have to

'I was 8 when I moved from Germany to the Netherlands.'

As a child, you are super flexible. Within a year, I was fluent in the language. I can still remember that proud feeling when girlfriends and

'Language acquisition for children is a natural process, don't turn it into a lesson'

Language acquisition in young children is a natural process and almost all children learn the language of their environment without having it explained to them.

'We pass on our own mother tongues to our children'

Be consistent in the use of language. My husband only speaks Italian with the kids, in all situations no matter who we are with.

'You can start stimulating language development very early.'

Talk to your child in the language of your heart! This is probably the language you speak best, and therefore in which you can say things like

Childcare Benny - interview

Myrna - Director EarlyBird

Delve deeper into the world of multilingual education with our exclusive interview with Myrna, director of EarlyBird, who shares her valuable insights and experiences on bilingual education.

We were at the Nine Months Fair

From 14 February to 17 February, we were in front of the Nine Months Fair together with Monito. It was a great success. We read aloud, and sang and danced

Jungle the Bungle colouring competition

Colour along and win a one-year subscription to the Jungle the Bungle languages app (worth 49.90) Mail your entry to Whoever has the most beautiful colouring page

Blog Mamaplaats on multilingualism

One of those childhood memories that you can recall as if it were yesterday. We were on holiday and I was sitting, along with my little

Junglethebungle in the media

New languages, you can't start early enough! Sooner or later, everyone encounters foreign languages. For adults, it's only a

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